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Filters are a very simple way to quickly show the records that you are looking for.

They can be registered in the filters method of your Livewire Table.

protected function filters(): array
    return [

Filter Types

Currently, there are 3 different filter types available.

Boolean Filter

Booleans can be filtered using the BooleanFilter.

BooleanFilter::make(__('Published'), 'published'),

Date Filter

If you are working with dates, a DateFilter should be used. This filter will give you a from and to date to filter your records with.

DateFilter::make(__('Created At'), 'created_at'),

Select Filter

When a filter can only accept a list of values, you may be interested in the SelectFilter. With this filter you can specify the options that can be used. You will get a dropdown of options to choose from to filter your records.

SelectFilter::make(__('Category'), 'category_id')
        1 => 'PHP',
        2 => 'Laravel',
        3 => 'Tailwind CSS',

By calling the multiple method on the filter, it will accept multiple values at a time.

SelectFilter::make(__('Category'), 'category_id')

You can also use a nested array in order to make use of option groups. Note that only one level of nesting is supported.

SelectFilter::make(__('Category'), 'category_id')
        'Software' => [
            1 => 'PHP',
            2 => 'Laravel',
            3 => 'Tailwind CSS',
        'Hardware' => [
            4 => 'Laptops',
            5 => 'Monitors',
            6 => 'Keyboards',


The table can also be filtered using a JSON column.

BooleanFilter::make(__('Enabled'), 'settings->enabled'),


If you wish to filter data from a related model, you can prefix the column with the name of the relations. Always use the name of the relations and not of the tables.

BooleanFilter::make(__('Active Author'), ''),

You can also use relations with a cardinality greater than one.

SelectFilter::make(__('Tags'), '')
        Tag::query()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray()

Head to relations to know more about relations and how they work behind the scenes.

Custom Filtering

In some cases, the filter you are building is not related to a single column in your database. It could be a composition of multiple conditions. If you pass a callback as the second argument to a filter you can query the data yourself.


Filters are always executed even if the value is null to allow for a default filter. Please, check the $value yourself in your callback.

BooleanFilter::make(__('Recent Blogs'), function (Builder $builder, mixed $value): void {
    $builder->when($value, function (Builder $builder) use ($value): void {
            ->where('published', '=', true)
            ->whereDate('created_at', '>=', now()->subWeek());

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