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Exporting data from the table can be really useful to quickly get all records in a spreadsheet. Creating an export functionality is very simple using actions.

The example below makes use of maatwebsite/excel. It is not required to use this package, as you can use anything you want. If you are planning to use maatwebsite/excel, please follow the installation instructions before continuing.


Start by adding an action to your table. This example will make use of a standalone action. By doing so, all records that are available in the table will be included in the export while respecting all filters and sortings.

protected function actions(): array
    return [
        Action::make(__('Export All'), 'export_all', function (): mixed {
            $collection = $this->appliedQuery()->get();

            return Excel::download(
                new BlogExport($collection), 'blogs.xlsx',

You can also use a regular action, only exporting records that have been selected.

protected function actions(): array
    return [
        Action::make(__('Export'), 'export', function (Enumerable $models): mixed {
            return Excel::download(
                new BlogExport($models), 'blogs.xlsx',

An example of the BlogExport could look like the following. Note that any formatting can be applied in this class.


namespace App\Exports;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;

class BlogExport implements FromCollection
    public function __construct(
        protected Collection $collection
    ) {

    public function collection()
        return $this->collection;

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