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Actions can be defined on your table to perform certain tasks on the selected records. They can be registered in the actions method of your Livewire Table.

protected function actions(): array
    return [

To create an action, simply add a label, code and callback.

Action::make(__('My Action'), 'my_action', function (Enumerable $models): void {

Actions can return anything but are not required to. This makes it very simple to redirect the user to another page or to download an export of the records.

When an action has been executed, it will automatically clear the selection and refresh the table. This can be prevented if you return false from your callback.


Actions can also be standalone by calling standalone() on them. Not every action requires a selection of records, e.g. starting an import.


Note that the collection of $models is always empty if a standalone action is executed.

Action::make(__('Import'), 'import', function (Enumerable $models): void {


Some actions may only require the execution of JavaScript, like triggering a modal for example. In these cases, there is no point in sending a request to Livewire. If a callback is not supplied to an action, it will be treated like a JavaScript action.


JavaScript actions work for both normal and standalone actions.

Action::make(__('JavaScript'), <<<JS
    console.log('I\'ve been executed!');

Within these actions, you have access to the $wire property. This means that you can also interact with the selected records in JavaScript.

Action::make(__('JavaScript'), <<<JS
    console.log('You have selected ' + \$wire.selected.length + ' record(s)');

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